Discover and heal the root to the feeling "I'm not enough"
Learn to connect to your higher wisdom
Be empowered
Develop deep connections with likeminded individuals
See Beyond the Horizon by expanding and growing in ways you didn’t know were possible
Activate and Develop your intuitive gifts
Raise your vibration
And so much more…
You may have tried other solutions to your problem, but what Janell has found is unless you get to the root issue, you may temporarily relieve the problem, but you didn’t create a solution that lasts. It’s not your fault. Janell was there, too, before she developed a customized approach to resolving what was holding each individual back. With over 23 years’ experience working with individuals on intuition and energetic healing, she recognized that a one-size-fits-all cookie cutter approach isn’t the best way to help people breakthrough the biggest obstacle—or obstacles—holding them back from where they are now to where they want to be.
Because this approach is so different than anything else out there, it’s so customized and individualized, let’s describe the shifts clients have experienced in this program. Some have profoundly expanded their understanding of themselves and their distinctive gifts. This deeper understanding of themselves makes decisions easier—it either aligns with you or it doesn’t. Others have explained how they connected to their inner compass and started listening—really listening—to themselves and their guidance for the first time. That allowed them to dramatically raise their vibration and live life on a higher, more enlightened plane. Still others have mentioned how profound the shift was to finally experience balance. They simply didn’t realize how out of balance their lives had become. When you are out of balance, everything is harder, you struggle more, and it drains your energy. When you are in balance, life is truly more enjoyable, things flow, and your health improves. Other clients talk about how they were stuck, such as never dealing with a dramatic loss, and how this program helped them let go, release or transmute past traumas, so they could move forward without feeling the heavy weight and burdens of the past.
As you can see, this is not a typical program focusing on one methodology. Janell finds that the reason someone is struggling, stuck, or feeling off is often not what the client expected. They have been coping and working on the symptoms, but never addressed the root cause. For example, each person entering the program needs to state what their goal and desired outcome is. One individual had the goal of improving their relationship with the spouse and children (or improving their business). Janell discovered through collaboration that an underlying issue of unworthiness and not feeling enough was the root cause driving the behaviors. The client wanted ways to cope or work around this problem. Instead, Janell helped her eliminate the false beliefs that had been sabotaging her for decades so she could be more authentic and deeply connect with her family again (or have her business thrive).
Discover and heal the root to the feeling "I'm not enough"
Learn to connect to your higher wisdom
Be empowered
Develop deep connections with likeminded individuals
See Beyond the Horizon by expanding and growing in ways you didn’t know were possible
Activate and Develop your intuitive gifts
Raise your vibration
And so much more…
To feel more balanced while dealing with the challenges of being a parent and running a business.
More easily connecting to and helping other people.
To expand my understanding of my gifts
To identify and expand my gifts
To connect with my Compass - my Inner Compass, my Knowledge Compass, my Physical, Emotional, Mental, Energetic Compass, and my Authentic Compass
To knowingly and lovingly move along the path to helping others in their own awareness
I'm very new to this journey, and so I was a little nervous and didn't know what to expect. The class absolutely blew me away, and any expectations I had were blown away too. The experience was transformative for me in ways I'm still learning about and realizing. I feel like the world has opened up for me, and I'm delighted and excited to move forward and learn more. Thank you, Janell.
Rachel Andrews
This is such a unique and beautiful experience, Janell. When you walked us through a remote healing session, you had us work with Denali. It was such an interesting and amazing experience to see and feel his energy. I learned in a moment just how "in tune" Denali was/is, with us. He is an incredible healer. During that session, I was shown Sacred Geometry. Since that day, this same Geometry presents itself during almost every healing session that I've done. So cool, is that right! Forever thankful.
My time spent working with Janell, Mercedes and Denali has taught me about my own gifts. In a practical hands on way that has helped me begin to trust in my own intuition. Instead of feeling like something broken that needs to be fixed, I’ve gained a better understanding of who I am as an empathic being, and how to nurture my gifts so that they work for me rather than against me.
Terri Houston
Working with Janell and the group is pretty amazing as we work together, it makes things easier to understand and experience. As the energy is greater and more potent in a small group. It brings out more to explore as people share their struggles and their beautiful ha!ha! moment, making it a great opportunity to extend your mind.
Support, expertise, growth, acceptance, and community are a must and in this class, it's all present. I could not be any happier.
Simon Rossignol